What do they say about the extra mile? It is never filled. As a restaurateur, providing prominent customer service is an excellent way to differentiate itself from the competition. But not only guess what your customers want, go directly to the source when asked questions from the restaurant survey that will help you get the information you need for your guests.
As Restrictions Covid-19 begin to relax in many parts of the world, there is no better time for your restaurant to be a favorite of customers among new and old customers.
The creation of a restaurant questionnaire can help you get a valuable vision about what makes the guests’ gauge, including the menu items that are buying, what kind of promotions answer and more information that can report business decisions Key and allow you to leave charming service.
The Benefits of Restaurant Surveys
It can serve the tastiest food, but if your customer’s restaurant is missing, your reputation, and sales, will suffer. It is easy to avoid this scenario by staying in tune with the preferences and concerns of its customers through frequent restaurant surveys. Next, we submerge in four of the greatest benefits of restaurant surveys.
Helps you Gain Valuable Customer Feedback
The customer satisfaction surveys of the restaurant can provide pure gold in the form of information about what your restaurant is well and what could improve.
Taking into account that 58% of consumers will never do business with a company after a single experience of bad experience, you should know where your restaurant approaches, so you can quickly address any problem that can maintain your chance of income.
Look at the common topics in the comments of the clients that you receive from the questions of your restaurant survey. This information will give you an idea of what topics to address first.
Helps You Deliver the Best Customer Experience
Even if your restaurant is fine, you can always shoot through the moon. Realizing restaurant questionnaires Allows you to find out what you can do to offer a better and memorable customer experience than you already deliver it.
Almost 95% of US consumers UU will recommend a business whose service considers “very good”, so it is worth impressing your guests. Restaurant surveys also reduce the risk of being driven by negative reviews, which can prevent 40% of customers want to spend money at their restaurant.
Helps You Maintain Customer Loyalty
Your guests want to know that you have your best interests in mind, and the act of sending a survey can indicate that you take your comments seriously.
Surveys are also a great opportunity for you to get involved directly with your guests and thank you to eat at your restaurant. Not to mention, taking the time to build solid customer relationships can help your restaurant save money and increase your income at the same time.
Acquiring new customers costs 5 times more than keeping current customers and highly committed clients spend 60% more per transaction, which means that loyal customers are very important for their final result.
Helps You Identify Trends
In the same way, restaurant questionnaires can help you identify pressure problems, they can also allow you to detect trends and respond quickly. When combing through the survey data, you can notice changes in the behavior or preferences of the client that can help you stay ahead of the curve in your industry.
Are you receiving many comments that a particular incoming would be better with a certain coverage? Give people what they want and try it! Is it a new cocktail that makes waves in a city of Trendsetting and appearing in the answers of the survey of its guests? Ask your barman to work on your magic.
How to Conduct Restaurant Customer Satisfaction Surveys?
Let’s face it: Your customers are busy. It is simply not practical to ask the comments face to face and run through a lot of restaurant survey questions on the table with them. Interrupt a date with a restaurant questionnaire? That is simply uncomfortable.
In the era of Covid-19, consumers are getting better accustomed to doing business online, which makes digital questionnaires an excellent choice for surveys of their restaurants. Here are some ways you can use technology to get your guests.
Via SMS Texts or Email:
We are all guilty of running to end a phone call as soon as we discover that the person at the other end of the line wants to perform a survey. A more modern and effective way to ask questions from the restaurant survey is by sending text messages to your clients.
This approach has the highest response rate of any survey method, 40%. Nowadays, people spend a lot of time on their email entry trays, so you can also try to send an email to your guests a restaurant questionnaire. Wait for a response rate of 25% if you are using this method.
Through Your Reservations Platform:
Reservation software has become even more important since the Covid-19 pandemic since the restorers are monitoring the capacity limits regularly. If you have a platform, such as Touch Bistro reservations, you can facilitate your guests to provide comments after each visit.
After booking a reservation and meals at your restaurant, you will automatically send a feedback email to guests to find out what they thought about your experience, just put it and forget it!
Through Your Customer Web App:
The use of a restaurant application as the web application of the Touch Bistro Client (which runs directly into a browser and does not require a download) is an intelligent way to communicate with your customers anywhere, at any time.
You can use the messaging in the application to share the questions of your restaurant survey with your guests and thank you personally to take the time to respond. This tactic is a victory for you, because you will have direct contact with your customers, and the research shows that messaging in the application stated the retention of applications between users.
Through Your Loyalty Program:
A restaurant loyalty program can be a powerful tool for your business and can encourage your guests to spend 20% more than they would do if they were not part of the program. In most cases, you can also gather comments on the restaurant survey questions through your loyalty program.
With a reward program, such as touch bistro loyalty, you can create exclusive offers for your biggest fanatics and provide incentives to these clients to complete restaurant questionnaires. Another bonus? This product works perfectly with its Touch Bistro POS, so you have access to a large amount of customer data, all in one place.
Through a Form on Your Website:
Drive guests to your restaurant’s website to complete a customer satisfaction survey created using a free tool such as SurveyMonkey or Google Forms. If you are using this method, you should alert your guests to the existence of the form, either by allowing them to know about the restaurant questionnaire while having dinner with you or promoting it on social networks, for example. Make sure the form is easy to find on your website.
Top 15 Restaurant Survey Questions Every Restaurateur Should Ask
What age group do you belong to?
You can adjust the answers according to your needs, but here is an option: 18, 18 to 30, 31 to 40, 41 to 55, more than 55. This is a standard question to help you learn more about who your customers are.
How did you discover our restaurant?
This question will help you discover if and what marketing strategies are working for you. If many people respond “from social networks,” capitalize that to get even more customers. You can also provide specific response options if you want to test the effectiveness of a promotion.
How often do you dine with us?
A classic multiple-choice question to help you separate the first temporary from the usual customers. The answers can be: “This was my first time,” “I visit from time to time”, “I come at least once a month” or “cinema with you weekly”.
Did you use any of our discounts or special offers?
These types of restaurant marketing survey questions will help you discover if your promotions are working or not. For comments on specific promotions, you can go ahead with a multiple-choice question asking: “If yes, which one (s)?”
How would you rate the quality of our food?
The rating may vary from 1 (poor quality) to 5 (high quality). One of the main questions of the food survey. It is a direct way to discover if people enjoy the elements of their menu or not.
What did you like best about our menu?
This can be one of the open questions of your survey. Clients can remove over their favorite dish or other aspects of the menu they liked, as the variety.
Did you feel that the restaurant accommodated your dietary restrictions?
This can be a simple question Yes / No. Even so, suppose you want to evaluate the real restrictions of your customers (as gluten or vegan). In that case, you can follow it with a question about your specific restrictions for people who answered “No.”
In your experience, is our menu varied enough to satisfy every preference?
Similar to the previous question but focused more on the types of food preferences, this can help you discover if your menu has at least one option that satisfies each client. You can also make a food preference checklist if you want to try several options.
Were you satisfied with our drink menu?
Not all survey questions should be about food options. It is essential to find out if the beverage menu is varied enough or if you need to add more drinks to meet everyone’s taste. This can be another yes / no question, or can you express it differently “on a scale of 0 to 5, how satisfied I was with our drink menu?”
Was there anything missing from the menu?
This is your chance to get new ideas from menu items directly from people who visit their restaurant. Ask this as a yes / no question and follow with “If yes, what would you like to see in our menu?” To see what is missing and potentially increases its profits.
Was the staff friendly and welcoming?
Moving to a new issue of questions from the restaurant survey, this is a simple way to discover if your customers enjoy the service and feel welcome in your restaurant. In addition, it also helps you determine if your employees have the right attitude.
How was the speed of service?
Make this a qualification question ranging from very fast to very slow to determine if you have enough servers and an efficient operation. If not, you will have to make some changes to increase customer satisfaction.
Did your waiter recommend any of our menu specials?
This simple question yes / is not designed to test the competence and responsiveness of your staff to your training program. Could you be doing more to increase your average control?
Did the waiter ask whether you’d like to see the dessert menu and/or have a cup of coffee at the end of your meal?
Of all the questions to ask a customer in a restaurant, this is a true marker that its priority is customer satisfaction. Make sure your staff comply with the promise to discover what asks your tables
Which platform did you use to place your food order?
The options should be your website and any platform from third parties where your restaurant is listed, such as Door dash or Grub hub (if applicable). When a customer chooses a third party, ask the following question: “Is there any particular reason why it does not order directly from our website? (By the way, we have a 15% discount on the first orders)”.
This follow-up question is going to do two things. It will tell you what you should improve for more people at the request of your website. Second, it will allow customers to know their first order discount and attract them to change from a third-party application. If the client chooses your website as a response, go to the question below.
Closing Thoughts
Execute a blind restaurant without knowing what your customers think is a safe disaster recipe. If you have a restaurant, but you have not yet sent a survey to your customers, it is time to try.
The appropriate restaurant survey questions will provide you with valuable information that, ultimately, will help you boost profits and attract more people to your establishment.
To make sure you start on the right foot, you can also think about some questions from the restaurant survey to request before opening the restaurant, such as questions from the logos test survey.