
How to Deep Clean a Commercial Kitchen?

schedule 12 September share 26 Shares

Running a restaurant is hard work, but some commercial kitchen cleaning techniques can ease the burden. Maintaining your foodservice kitchen is obviously a top priority. After all, a completely dirty restaurant will quickly end business, but so will a messy and unclean restaurant. Follow some simple commercial kitchen cleaning protocols to keep your customers happy and keep your employees healthy.

What are the Official Rules for Cleaning Your Commercial kitchen?

All professional catering providers are legally bound to comply with the regulations set forth by the Food Standards Agency. If your restaurant does not meet the standards. You may not be able to pass the FSA’s regular sanitation inspections. Causing your restaurant to close before the problem is resolved, and may even cause your food permit to be revoked.

Also, having a poor hygiene rating from the Food Standards Agency never looks good. Since restaurants in some areas are required by law to display your rating where customers can see. It could result in loss of business.


According to the FSA, not cleaning thoroughly enough is one of the most common reasons food companies face legal processes. Introducing rigorous and rigorous cleaning practices as soon as your restaurant opens will help ensure that all the food you serve is safe to eat. As well as reduce the risk of contamination that could make your customers or staff sick.

How Often Should i Clean Commercial Kitchen Appliances and Cooking Equipment?

As a general rule of thumb, areas, and appliances that are used most frequently during daily cooking and food preparation should also be cleaned more frequently. Those that come into direct contact with food will need extra attention. In this section, we’ll give you a rough idea of ​​how often each area and each appliance should be cleaned. So you know what to do and when.

Appliances and Equipments:

Cooktops and Ovens – Any spills should be cleaned up after each shift to prevent grease and dirt build-up. The interior of the oven should be cleaned with a specialized oven cleaner once a week. Commercial catering ovens should also be thoroughly cleaned by a professional service at least once every six months.

Coffee Machines:

Espresso machines should be cleaned and rinsed with hot water and a specialized cleaning fluid once a week. Clean and descale once a month, or once a week if you serve a lot of hot drinks every day.


The inside of your microwave should be cleaned at least once a week. Any spills should be cleaned as soon as it occurs during shifts. Heating a bowl of water in the microwave for a minute. It can help loosen dry dirt before wiping the interior with a cloth and a little antibacterial cleaner.


The inside of your refrigerators should be cleaned and sanitized between each shift and deep cleaning once a week. Refrigerator hygiene can have a huge impact on the quality and safety of your food. So there’s a lot to remember – check out our comprehensive guide to refrigerator hygiene and safe storage to learn everything you need to know.


A clogged vent system or range hood can have a ripple effect on the rest of your kitchen. As it won’t filter steam and condensation as effectively. Leading to an unsanitary buildup of grease and dirt on other surfaces. Therefore, it is recommended that restaurants that do not use a deep fryer every day clean their vents and hoods at least once every 90 days. For fast-food restaurants or those that frequently use a deep fryer, deep cleaning should be done once every 30 days


Any major spills should be cleaned up as soon as possible during a shift as they not only present a hygiene hazard but also put your staff at risk for slips and falls. The floor should also be swept or vacuumed and then mopped and cleaned with an antibacterial disinfectant floor cleaner after each shift.

Countertops and Work Surfaces:

Worksurfaces that are used for food preparation should be cleaned between tasks and then thoroughly cleaned and sanitized after each shift. the shift is over.

Sinks and Washing Stations

Sinks, Faucets, and Drain Boards – Like any other kitchen surface. These need to be cleaned and sanitized after each shift. they lock out quickly. That could put sinks and plumbing out of service. Therefore, you should make sure to clean your kitchen. Drains once every two weeks with a professional-grade drain cleaner and then rinse them with hot water. This will remove any clogs and ensure a hygienic sink area.

Waste Disposal Units:

It is recommended that professional waste disposal units be flushed once a month to remove buildup and unpleasant odors. You should never pour bleach or drain cleaner on the unit, as this can damage the pipes and corrode the internal mechanisms of the machine.


wash the unit in hot water and add a little dish soap. You can also purchase specialized cleaning products that will remove any lingering buildup or lingering odors. The requirement in most commercial kitchens.

These machines intercept waste fats and oils and filter them before they enter the drainpipe. Helping to extend the life of pipes and prevent them from clogging municipal sewer systems.

 you still need to keep up with maintenance to make sure yours runs as efficiently as possible. You can ask a professional cleaning service to take care of this, although some models can also be emptied by hand; see the manufacturer’s instructions for more information.

Cleaning Appliance:

 but weekly cleaning will ensure your dishwasher gets the best results. Clean the interior with an antibacterial cleaner and then run the appliance on a sanitizing self-cleaning cycle.

Handwashing Stations :

This is where your staff will sanitize your hands between tasks. So it’s wise to keep this space as clean as possible. The sink and taps should be cleaned with an antibacterial cleaner after each shift. 

Creating a Commercial Kitchen Cleaning Schedule

Any restaurant kitchen worth its salt needs to have a complete commercial kitchen cleaning program. By creating a plan, you can make sure everyone knows what their tasks are and ensure that cleaning is done consistently during each shift. One of the easiest ways to do this is to create cleaning checklists. Some of the benefits of creating a commercial kitchen cleaning checklist include:

Increased Responsibilities

 Everyone knows exactly what their individual duties are and can be held responsible for them if they are not fulfilled.

It is fairer for staff Ensuring staff performs the same tasks each shift is more equitable.

Customs are not Forgotten:

There is less risk that important cleaning tasks will be forgotten or areas of the kitchen that are easy to miss will be neglected.

Due Diligence Evidence:

You ‘Will have a record of your cleaning practice to show to inspectors.


If you always follow your checklist to the letter. Your kitchen needs to be constantly kept clean, making all work easier.

Improves Food Quality:

A hygienic kitchen reduces the risk of food contamination. Keeping food storage areas clean can also help prevent food spoilage.

Prevents Infestations:

A rigorously clean environment is less likely to suffer from vermin or fly infestations, which can be dangerous, costly to treat, and very harmful to your health. Reputation to be properly effective. Your schedule needs to be as specific as possible, so there is no room for mistakes or misunderstandings.

 It should indicate which surfaces and appliances need to be cleaned. What chemicals or equipment to use, and how often the cleaning should be done.

Some cleaning tasks will need to be done much more frequently. While others will only need to be done once. a month, or even just once a year. So it makes sense to create checklists that reflect this. In this section, we’ll explain what a typical restaurant kitchen cleaning schedule would look like.

Before a Shift Begins

Before the start of any shift, the kitchen staff should take a moment to prepare the kitchen and make sure everything is hygienic before starting to cook. They need to:

  • Use food-safe antibacterial cleaners and a clean cloth or sponge to clean all surfaces.
  • Clean the sink, faucet and sink.
  • Check the ingredients and discard any spoiled items.
  • Make sure you have clean cloths and sponges on hand for quick cleaning between tasks.

During the Shift

Most kitchen staff and chefs will use these things as part of their daily work. But it is still good to write a formal list. Persistently completing these tasks will reduce the amount of cleaning required after the shift:

  • Brush racks to remove any grease buildup and food debris between chefs
  • Change and clean cutting boards between tasks. It is also necessary to clean the knives between cutting tasks.
  • Make sure to empty the trash as needed, rather than waiting until the end of the shift. Spilled containers can cause contamination.
  • Spills should be cleaned up as soon as possible, not until the end of the shift.

After the Shift Ends

After a shift is over, more intensive cleaning is required. Your staff will need to ensure that all of the following tasks are complete before the end of the day:

  • Change rags and cleaning sponges. Discard those that are no longer clean enough for use.
  • Fryers must be emptied and cleaned.
  • The plates must be thoroughly cleaned with a specialized cleaning agent.
  • Make sure all ingredients are covered and sealed properly before placing in the refrigerator overnight.
  • Sweep the floors of refrigerators and storage areas.
  • Sweep and mop the kitchen floor with a disinfectant or floor cleaner.
  • The shift can be time consuming, which is why many restaurants choose to hire a night porter. It’s someone who comes to clean the kitchen after the rest of the staff has left.


If your restaurant is closed for a day or two, this is a good time to do the following:

  • Refrigerators should be cleaned and sanitized with a food-safe antibacterial cleaning product. If you have a cold room, you should sweep and mop the floor
  • Beverage machines should be cleaned and sanitized. Kettles and coffee makers must be cleaned and descaled.
  • Deep fryers should be thoroughly cleaned and boiled.
  • Hard-to-reach areas, such as under or above cabinets, should be cleaned and disinfected.
  • The interior of dishwashers and glass cleaners. Should be cleaned with a surface cleaner and then run a hot sanitizing cleaning cycle. Not only will this keep it hygienic. It will also help extend the life of your washing machine and ensure great results.
  • Clean and sanitize your kitchen trash cans. It’s also a good idea to check your stock of cleaning supplies and equipment and replace or reorder any essential items, such as sponges or clothes.


  • Clean the drain pan and bucket to prevent accumulation.
  • Clean and disinfect your waste disposal facility.
  • Use special detergents or descaling products to descale your dishwasher and glassware.
  • Check the ventilation and exhaust fans.

If they do become dirty, it may be time to arrange a professional service for deep cleaning. This is usually recommended every 3 months, although it depends on the activity in your kitchen if you use the fryer frequently, you will need to clean it more frequently.

Essential Cleaning Products and Equipment

If you want to stick to your schedule and make sure your kitchen is completely hygienic, you should have a good selection of professional cleaning products and equipment on hand. In this section, we’ll walk you through the basics you’ll need to keep your kitchen clean and hygienic


 Cloths are a versatile tool that can be used to clean, polish, sanitize, and dry surfaces and equipment, so you’ll never want to run out of them. Disposable cloths should be used whenever possible as they can be disposed of after cleaning to reduce the risk of contamination. If you reuse cloths, you will need to sanitize them by cleaning them on a 90-degree wash cycle between shifts.

Scouring Pads:

You should have a generous supply of sponges and scourers on hand at all times, as kitchen staff and cooks will. You need them to clean surfaces and tools before, during, and after a shift. Remember, sponges can harbor many germs, so it is important to change or disinfect them regularly.


 The floor should be thoroughly washed and sanitized with a mop after each shift. A mop with an interchangeable head can save you money and will be more hygienic as you can disinfect or dispose of the mop head after use.

Grid Brush:

 It Can be used to brush the griddle between cooks Cleaning Chemicals

Drain Cleaners:

Drains can be prone to stubborn build-up, so it’s best to use a heavy-duty, specialized cleaning agent to unblock and sanitize them.


Industrial strength antibacterial surface cleaners kill bacteria and ensure a completely hygienic work surface for food preparation or storage. Some grease-fighting cleaners will also be very helpful for tougher spills and in areas around cooktops and ovens.

Hand soaps:

Don’t forget about the hygiene of your kitchen staff as well. Anyone handling or preparing food will have to wash their hands very frequently, so you’ll want to provide a bar of antibacterial hand soap and hand towel dispenser for this. so you will need a good antibacterial cleaner that suits your flooring material.

Beverage Machine Cleaning Products:

You can buy specialty cleaners that will sanitize the inner workings of your beer taps, soda machines, and even coffee machines.

Deep cleaning equipment

Every professional kitchen needs intensive deep cleaning from time to time to ensure that all areas and equipment are as hygienic as possible. Intensive cleaning also helps to extend the life of the equipment, thus reducing the number of repairs and increasing the efficiency of the kitchen.

So sometimes you will have to go above and beyond and use heavy-duty deep cleaning equipment to thoroughly clean your restaurant kitchen.

If your facial area is carpeted, you should use a steam cleaner because it helps remove stubborn stains on the surface. Leaks and human flow. Jet cleaners can also very effectively remove stubborn dry stains and grease on tiles, floors, tailgates, and exhaust fans.

The Importance of Color-Code Commercial Kitchen Cleaning Equipment

The equipment and products you are using to clean your kitchen must be saved for that area only. For example, you should not use the same mop and rags in your kitchen and in bathrooms, or in the guest dining room, as this can greatly increase the risk of spreading germs.

the correct area is to follow a color-coded cleaning plan. This means color-coding your equipment according to the “zone” in the restaurant where it is used, making it completely clear to all staff which items should be used in which area.

To learn more about how you can use this method in your own business, take a look at our color-code commercial kitchen cleaning infographic. You should always be careful to store your cleaning supplies properly as well.

By far the most important thing is to keep cleaning products in a place where your customers cannot access them, not even accidentally. Keeping all of your supplies in a locked closet is often the simplest and safest way to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands.

You should also be careful to keep all commercial kitchen cleaning chemicals in the bottles and containers in which they are supplied, as this ensures that the manufacturer’s instructions are easily accessible.

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